Miami Traffic Ticket Defense Attorney
How to Fight a Traffic Ticket in Florida
Many people assume that as soon as you have been hit with a traffic ticket,
the best thing that you can do is to simply pay the fine and move on with
your life. Paying the fine, however, is nothing more than an admission
of guilt, and in instances when you were not in the wrong, you should
not have to suffer. By getting the experienced help of a traffic ticket
attorney in Miami, you can begin to go over the details of your case to
decide what the best defense is for you.
The right lawyer will be able to explore every angle of your case to help
successfully combat your charges. It doesn't matter if you are facing
charges for:
- Speeding
- Driving with a suspended license
- Driving with an invalid license
- Reckless driving
- Moving violations
- Traffic tickets of any kind
There is a defense that can be tailor-made for you. Some circumstances that will need to be investigated are things like whether or not any speed limit signs were posted, and whether or not they were clearly visible. If they were hidden by foliage, or otherwise concealed, then a lawyer can help you in avoiding a speeding violation. Other defenses include looking at faulty reading from a police radar gun, whether from equipment failure or cheating on the officer's part, or into the existence of outstanding extenuating circumstances.
Get Experienced Miami Traffic Ticket Defense
At the Law Offices of Daniel Schulefand, they understand the importance of a traffic ticket can have on you and your future. For this reason, they will stop at nothing to help you either minimize or lower your penalty points and fines. By working with a Miami traffic ticket lawyer at their office; you can be confident that they will be doing everything that they can to help protect your future.
Contact a Miami traffic ticket lawyer today to begin evaluating your individual case.

Facts About The Law Offices Of Daniel Schulefand
Client focused and results driven
Se habla Español & Nou pale Kreyòl
Our attorney fees are affordable
Fast and effective representation
Handled over 50,000 traffic violations